Aitong Primary School is situated in the town of Aitong on the edge of the Maasai Mara some 16 miles away from the Mara Rianda Primary School and 24 miles from Governors’ Camp.
In conjunction with Governors’ Camp, The Mara Rianda Charitable Trust is delighted to have been able to assist Aitong Primary School in the provision of fresh water. Initially the school had no water facilities other than a small pond and a spring which periodically dried up.
About the Project
There is a very large spring in Aitong which constantly provides the town with water. The town’s elders kindly agreed that we could tap into this spring and use the water for the local primary school. In order to do this, it was necessary to install underground piping for approximately one kilometre between the school and the town, and a large windmill which would pump the water to the school.
Governors’ Camp assisted the charity in the local logistics and practical management of installing a wind pump. The Governors’ luxury safari camps in Kenya are recognized as the best in all of Africa and set the standards by which all others are judged. If it was not for the enormous, tireless and selfless help of the directors and staff of Governors’ Camp, it would have been impossible for the charity to have completed its various projects.